Posts Tagged With: discipline

Did you Know…

Did you know that there can be no sustainable success without discipline? Yes, you may become top in your field,class and so on but for you to remain there, is no easy task. We have seen how those in the sports must practise regularly for them to defend their titles.

Starting a business may not be hard but growing it will require discipline.An undisciplined entrepreneur will withdrawal even the capital and soon will close the business.

Did you have the joy of say losing weight but got disappointed because you soon gained back all the calories previously lost? What happened? You lost motivation to do the jogs or go to the gym or maintain the healthy meals!

Probably you had set you mind to be reading your bible and praying everyday and started with a lot of enthusiasm but soon you did not have time and kept procrastinating. You see “Discipline is remembering what you want.David Campbell. When we pile up enough of tomorrows, we will end up collecting a lot of empty yesterdays

Had you decided to be waking up early but every time the alarm rings, your fingers find themselves on  snooze button? And what happens when you oversleep? A lot of regrets as you do things in a rush or failure to do some important tasks altogether.

Discipline involves training,controlling and molding our character which many do not want to do. But may I finish by saying the words of Maureen Dowd ” The minute you settle for less than what you deserve, you get even less than what you settle for”

So would you rather go through the temporary pain of discipline which greatly rewards or the immeasurable pain of regret?

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