When we take Him out of the picture

There is nothing as fulfilling as a victory.We all feel very nice when we successfully accomplish a set project, when a given business deal goes through, when we pass our exams and so on. It becomes even sweeter when we are able to sustain such accomplishments. And at times unknowingly we may even start looking down on those who are not as good as we are. For instance if your are always top of your class, you may start wondering why the rest are so dumb! If you get a job, you may start thinking that those who are jobless are not as confident and smart as you are.If you are a strong mature Christian, you may find it hard to understand why many stumble and backslide!And this is where pride sets in; when we think we are where we are because we are better than others. We little by little put God out of the picture and instead start trusting on our own strength! But really, what special thing have you done to be where you are?

Well, King David had been there. In 1 Chronicles 18-20, we only read of his victory after another.In chapter 21, he ignores that they were to rely on God for their victories and Satan tempts him to count the number of his fighting men!God was greatly displeased and punished him.

For David, it was trusting in his armies instead of God. What about you? Are you the kind that put your trust only in money and your life depends on how much you have in the bank.You have procrastinated many worthy causes because you doubt that God will provide? Are you always worried and counting how much you have before making any decision?

Probably you are the kind that rely on your strength and goodness to sustain your marriage.  But have we not seen many who are good wives according to world’s standards but their spouses still became unfaithful? It is only God who can sustain that marriage! Maybe you rely on extra papers to sustain your job. But have you ever asked yourself how many out there have those many papers but are jobless? Do you think you were awarded that tender because you are  that competitive?  Not really. Check out Proverbs 16:33 and you will realize that ” The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord!”It is God who brings every opportunities our way!

Let this not put you down. It is never too late to repent and begin fully relying on God. You will indeed be amazed at who He is and what He can do!

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One thought on “When we take Him out of the picture

  1. Tom Kahehura

    Very wise advice! Keep up LM!


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