Counterfeit or Real?

A day or two ago in the local dailies/news, there was an alarm over the sale of fake viceroy. This had also been raised like three months ago concerning other major brands like Johnnie Walker, Richot among others and there are plans to sensitize the consumers on how to differentiate real from the fake products. I overheard one consumer say ” I can not fall victim to the counterfeit viceroy because i know how the real one looks ” and this caught my attention.

There are many imitations out there, be it of lotions, weaves, clothes, name them. And at times people are conned; they end up paying so much for what they thought was real only to find that they were imitations! But do you know that you only need to very well know the true/original to easily notice the fake? Someone for instance who is well conversant with pure gold will easily differentiate gold coated jewellery and the pure gold jewellery? Some one who knows pretty well how a real paper money looks like will not find it hard to capture a fake note.

There are many today who are suffering because they have fallen into the hands of false teachings.The teachers are too close to the real for many to easily pick them out.Consequently, some have for instance sold all they had and ‘planted a seed’ to these teachers so that they could get jobs but no job came by and are now in regrets. In fact some were told the bigger the seed, the bigger blessing! Does that mean that if you have no money you will not get blessed? Is it not written that He lets the rain and even sun shine on both good and bad alike?

So why do we still get fooled? Is it just because ‘ a man of God’ can perform miracles, heal the sick? Even Pharaoh’s wise men performed miracles(Exodus 7:11 )The scriptures contains so many warnings about false prophets and miracle-working powers!Matthew 24:24 is one of them.

So  do you want to be set free and to avoid deception? Then let us go back to the truth. John 8:32 says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.When was the last time you studied the scriptures?

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